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Meeting of the working group on carrying out tracer study 2017

Within the framework of the "G-STAR" project, on October 10 in Bishkek office of PF "AVEP" was conducted a working meeting on tracer study of graduates with the participation of representatives of the AMETiS and CEEBA training centers.
The main purpose of this meeting was to organize the process of conducting the survey, as well as getting comments from partners on the contents of the questionnaire.
During the meeting, the participants in detail discussed the conduct of the survey, defined the methodology and coverage, and commented on the online questionnaire, which was previously prepared by the project staff.

According to the result of the meeting, was decided to conduct a survey of more than 200 graduates in the second half of November, after declining of orders of builders who completed the courses. Based on the comments, was decided to change the wording and content of some questions to obtain more detailed information on the impact of courses on the employment of graduates.

Bishkek Program office

Timiryazeva street 134,
Bishkek, 720014
tel.: +996 (312) 903 707

Balykchy Program office

Abdrahmanova str. 374A,
Balykchy, 722300
tel.: +996 (3944) 30603
fax: +996 (3944) 30617

Osh Program office

Oskonbaeva str. 4,
Osh, 714004
tel.: +996 (773) 640 325

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