As part of the “Vegetable growing” project, the public foundation “AVEP” provided vegetable and corn seeds, as well as strawberry seedlings, to farmer groups.
Albion and Monterey strawberry varieties imported from Italy and Turkey were given to members of farmer groups in the villages of Eshperov and Shor-Bulak. In the villages of Bokonbaev, Tort-Kul, Kara-Koo, which have been working in the project for the second year, corn seeds and fertilizers were supplied.
This year, seeds of 16 types of vegetable crops were transferred to farmer groups created in the villages of Ak-Sai, Tuura-Suu, Kara-Suu.
As usual, in each direction, demonstration sites were organized and investments were planned. For example, a drip irrigation system with all the necessary equipment and a film that can be laid under the strawberries were installed on the strawberry demonstration plots. Film and starters are also supplied for making silage. The necessary gardening tools, a drip irrigation system and a tank were provided to the vegetable demonstration plots.
The vocational school №81, which works as a partner in the project, was given the above-mentioned strawberry seeds and seedlings and organized demonstration plots in 3 areas; they were also supplied with the necessary investments. With the arrival of spring, the work of the project began intensively.
This project is financed by the Seed Program International (SPI), and implemented by the AVEP public fund.
The "Vegetable Production" project is continuing its activities in 3 directions with 8 villages of Tong district and Vocational School #81 this year. In particular: Cultivation and propagation of vegetable crops, cultivation of corn, preparation of silage at home and animal feeding, cultivation and propagation of new varieties of strawberries.
Vocational School #81 as a partner with the AVEP public fund will organize demonstration plots and provide training to farmer groups within the framework of the project.
On April 12, a project introduction seminar was held in Bokonbaev village. The seminar was attended by members of woman farmer groups, teachers-masters of the Vocational School involved in the project, and the management of the AVEP public fund. During the seminar, the work to be performed within the framework of the project, the expected results were introduced, and work plans were developped.
This project is financed by the Seed Program International (SPI), and implemented by the AVEP public fund.
In the village of Shor-Bulak, Ton district, the livestock fattening season has begun and corn silage has become the main topic. There are a lot of people who want to buy corn silage. 15 members of the vegetable growing group “Shor-Bulak AVEP”, who prepared the silage, discussed and decided to divide the feed among themselves.
“Corn was big news in our village. As part of the “Growing Vegetables” project, we planted corn on 1.5 hectares. Despite water shortages and drought last year, we received a total of 25-27 tons of silage. Now many people ask, do you sell silage? But we prepared it for ourselves,” says Bakytbek Mamyraliev, a member of the Shor-Bulak AVEP vegetable growing group.
In 2023, this group was the community that prepared the largest number of bunkers as part of the project and prepared 1 hectare of subglacial fallow land to continue work in the spring. If the same quality corn seeds are found as last year, the planting area will be expanded in the spring.
The Shor-Bulak AVEP group of 15 people grew vegetables in 2022. In this work they gained great experience and reaped a good harvest, sufficient for family consumption.
“From the project we learned what vegetables to grow in what place and what fertilizers to apply. This year we planted vegetables little by little. Village residents are convinced of the usefulness of silage and are interested in growing corn for silage,”- said group member Chinar Toktonalieva.
The project “Vegetable Growing” is financed by the International Seed Fund (SPI - Seed programs International) and is implemented by the public foundation “AVEP”.
In 2023, Zhiparkul Dzhangazieva sent vegetables to the city that she grew in her garden. Her first clients were his children, grandchildren and relatives living in the city. The farmer received a net profit of 25,000 soms from the sale of vegetables grown within the framework of the Vegetable Growing project.
“The first tomatoes are ripe. After that we sent out asparagus and cabbage. In the fall, we treated guests to broccoli, cauliflower, basil and other vegetables. They also paid money at the market price, they said: “This is your work and it should be paid,” says Zhiparkul Dzhangazieva, a resident of the village of Kara-Koo, Ton district.
The Kara-Koo AVEP vegetable growing group has begun independent preparations for spring. In the fall, earthworms were brought to 5-6 plots and biohumus was prepared. In addition, they also bought the necessary vegetable seeds with the money from the harvest. Starting in February, they plan to start growing seedlings by sowing seeds in special pots at home.
“To ensure that the residents of our village received reliable information, I distributed excess seeds and most of the vegetables for free. I showed the growing methods. "I wrapped the broccoli, parsley, dill and green onions in kitchen paper and stored them in the refrigerator." - says group leader Jainagul Musalieva.
Members of the Kara-Koo AVEP group highly appreciated the trainings conducted as part of the project. Because during the trainings they learned many secrets of farming.
The project “Vegetable Growing” is financed by the International Seed Fund (SPI - Seed programs International) and is implemented by the public foundation “AVEP”.
From February 13 to February 29, 2024, our trainers conducted a total of 28 trainings in all 7 regions of the country with the participation of more than 500 people on the topic: “Establishing mechanisms for coordination and involvement of all stakeholders in the adaptation planning process for regional authorities.”
The list of participants is extremely diverse; not only regional representatives, representatives of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision, the Ministry of Water Resources, and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, but also representatives of civil society and academic circles.
This event was organized within the framework of the project “Promoting the process of developing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for medium- and long-term planning and implementation of adaptation measures to climate change in the Kyrgyz Republic” implemented by UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic. PF AVEP, in partnership with CIVITTA-Armenia, is carrying out the task of creating a mechanism for coordinating and involving all stakeholders in the adaptation planning process for regional authorities.
The project aims to create a strong mechanism for collaboration between stakeholders, especially women and vulnerable groups, in planning adaptation strategies at the local level. The project is being implemented by UNDP in Kyrgyzstan with financial support from the Green Climate Fund.
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