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is a Central Asian non-governmental and non-political organization working widely with international organizations, private, public and government sector to contribute more effectively to sustainable and innovative development of rural regions in the Kyrgyz Republic.

About us   Projects



Promoting sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic through the transfer of knowledge and innovations to the development of human capital, agriculture and other spheres.



With the support of our partners and the high commitment of local communities, we are proud of our achievements and contributions.



The team of AVEP has more than 10 years of experience in the field of development. We also work with a group of national and international professional trainers and experts.

Bishkek Program office

Timiryazeva street 134,
Bishkek, 720014
tel.: +996 (312) 903 707

Balykchy Program office

Abdrahmanova str. 374A,
Balykchy, 722300
tel.: +996 (3944) 30603
fax: +996 (3944) 30617

Osh Program office

Oskonbaeva str. 4,
Osh, 714004
tel.: +996 (773) 640 325

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