Grandmother Batykul is 75 years old, she lives in the village of Shor-Bulak. The son and the daughter-in-law graze the cattle of the villagers in the mountains, leaving the children to their grandmother.
Grandmother Batykul heard that the project "Production of vegetables" was being implemented in the village and became a member of the women farmer group formed within the framework of the project. Despite her advanced age, she grows vegetables in her garden to provide her grandchildren with vitamin food.
“I often saw broccoli and cauliflower in the market but didn't buy it because they were expensive. Now we grow expensive cabbage ourselves, add it to our daily food, make salads and eat with our grandchildren. The Covid-19 pandemic also affected our family, both I and my grandchildren got sick. We grow a variety of vegetables, supplement our daily diet with fresh vegetables, and increase immunity. We have enough grown vegetables even for the winter, the surplus than we eat every day, I plan to conserve, prepare and store for the winter. Vegetables are very useful for the elderly and growing children. My granddaughters help me grow vegetables, and I won’t be mistaken if I say that I educate them to work,” says grandmother Batykul. Neighbors are interested in vegetables growing in Batykul's garden and say they want to grow them next year.