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The project turns to sustainability

The training centers began to independently train short-term courses, developed within the framework of the project "Vocational training in green building skills", which was implemented by the public foundation of AVEP. This proves that the project is moving towards sustainable development.
The training center“Iigilik” in Cholpon-Ata by funding of the Issyk-Kul district employment center, trained unemployed citizens of the Toru-Aygyr village on "Construction of energy-efficient stoves." Having received certificates, 14 rural residents plan to build energy-efficient stoves first in their homes by using modern technologies, gain experience, and then only work on order and make a profit.

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Handed over equipment to madrasas within the framework of the M-STAR project

On 25th of July 2017 in Abdijapar Islamic institute in Medrese village, Kara-Suu district, Osh oblasts, within the framework of the M-STAR project handed over equipment to three madrasas with participation of Muftiyat, Kyrgyz State Commission for Religious Affairs, Public Foundation AVEP, local authorities and directors of the madrasas .  Total awarded equipment for 550,000 som got madrasas from Batken, Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts. This equipment will be used for practical trainings within the framework of the M-STAR project in madrasas. Trainings will be on seamstress, cooker - confectioner and PC user.

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Initial successes of graduates

Brigades created by the project "Professional training in green building skills", work successfully. Graduates of the short-course on building efficient stoves in s.Chok-Tal, the Issyk-Kul region occupied by the construction of modern innovative furnaces (ochok). According to Brigadier Madanbekov Erkin, they fulfilled the initial orders, built a furnaces in Cholpon-Ata, for a mini-boarding house and for a private house and in the village of Kara-Oy for a private house.
Receive orders for the construction of energy efficient furnaces and ochok foreman Madanbekov Erkin, 709,170,244, Yssyk-Kulsky area.

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Received a profession and created conditions for successful work

The next group on the course of thermal insulation of houses and the construction of energy efficient furnaces received certificates and construction tools.
Within the framework of the project "Vocational training in green building skills" implemented by the Public Fund AVEP with the support of the Embassy of Finland in Astana in 2017 through the training centers AMETiS, "Success" and the Professional Lyceum No. 14, 55 students received knowledge and skills in the profession of a heat insulator and a master construction of energy efficient furnaces and ochok. During the training in practical classes, students have warmed 2 houses, built energoeffektinyh 2 furnaces and 2 ochok for low-income families.
For 4 brigades created by graduates, PF AVEP gave the necessary tools for further successful work.

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The Embassy of Finland supports people of the Issyk-Kul in the field of energy-efficient technologies

The house of the widow of Kalykova Indira, who lives in the village of Ichke-Bulun, Djety-Oguz district, Issyk-Kul oblast, is warmed. At the moment she alone brings up 4 daughters. For the warming of the house spent 210 000 soms, which of 83 000 soms were financed through the project, and the remaining expenses were covered by the Public Association AMETiS.

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Bishkek Program office

Timiryazeva street 134,
Bishkek, 720014
tel.: +996 (312) 903 707

Balykchy Program office

Abdrahmanova str. 374A,
Balykchy, 722300
tel.: +996 (3944) 30603
fax: +996 (3944) 30617

Osh Program office

Oskonbaeva str. 4,
Osh, 714004
tel.: +996 (773) 640 325

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