There are a lot of people in Shor-Bulak village who want to buy silage.
In the village of Shor-Bulak, Ton district, the livestock fattening season has begun and corn silage has become the main topic. There are a lot of people who want to buy corn silage. 15 members of the vegetable growing group “Shor-Bulak AVEP”, who prepared the silage, discussed and decided to divide the feed among themselves.
“Corn was big news in our village. As part of the “Growing Vegetables” project, we planted corn on 1.5 hectares. Despite water shortages and drought last year, we received a total of 25-27 tons of silage. Now many people ask, do you sell silage? But we prepared it for ourselves,” says Bakytbek Mamyraliev, a member of the Shor-Bulak AVEP vegetable growing group.
In 2023, this group was the community that prepared the largest number of bunkers as part of the project and prepared 1 hectare of subglacial fallow land to continue work in the spring. If the same quality corn seeds are found as last year, the planting area will be expanded in the spring.
The Shor-Bulak AVEP group of 15 people grew vegetables in 2022. In this work they gained great experience and reaped a good harvest, sufficient for family consumption.
“From the project we learned what vegetables to grow in what place and what fertilizers to apply. This year we planted vegetables little by little. Village residents are convinced of the usefulness of silage and are interested in growing corn for silage,”- said group member Chinar Toktonalieva.
The project “Vegetable Growing” is financed by the International Seed Fund (SPI - Seed programs International) and is implemented by the public foundation “AVEP”.