Broccoli, Chinese cabbage and cauliflower grow well in the Tong region.
“Chinese cabbage grows in the shade and requires little water. And if you cut broccoli and basil, new ones will grow in their place,” residents of the village of Bokonbaevo are surprised by the variety of types of cabbage. Currently, one kilogram of broccoli, Chinese cabbage and cauliflower is sold at a wholesale price of 220 soms.
“I really liked that I could pick broccoli, Chinese cabbage and cauliflower from my garden and make a salad for my children. These are 100% organic products, we grew them with our own hands,” says group member Ainura Kadyrmambetova.
This year, 15 members of the AVEP Vegetables farming group grew 14 different types of vegetables. They participated in trainings 5 times, where they learned the secrets of preparing land, planting and growing vegetables, and methods of pest control. And the vegetable harvest brought additional income to family budgets.
“We grew cabbage, beets, peppers and carrots well. The cucumbers, tomatoes and onions also turned out well. In addition to using it for food, we sold it. We made a winter salad from the leftover harvest, salted it and froze it. The seeds given to us are the best. Everything has grown,” says farmer Anara Estebesova.
The farming group intends to continue growing vegetables next year. Along with it, they plan to plant strawberries and currants. Farmers noted that working together in a group is convenient for the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience.
The project “Vegetable Growing” is financed by the International Seed Fund (SPI - Seed programs International) and is implemented by the public foundation “AVEP”.