Silage increased the amount of cow's milk yield in 15 days by 4 liters.
Corn silage has proven to be a very useful feed for cows. Residents of the Ton region were convinced of this from their own experience. Farmer Baktiyar Nasirov, who gives silage to the observed cow, said that in 15 days the milk yield increased by 4 liters due to the influence of high-quality feed.
"From December 1, 2023, I started giving 10 kg of silage per day. Three days later, 1 liter of milk began to be added. If earlier we took 8-9 liters of milk, now it has reached 13 liters. We sell 1 liter of milk at a price of 35 soms. In the fall, I prepared my 1 hectare of land for growing corn,” said the farmer.
In the village of Bokonbaevo, succulent animal feed is prepared at the professional lyceum No. 81. As part of the Vegetable Growing project, the educational institution grew corn on a demonstration plot of 20 acres and made silage from it. Currently, more and more farmers are asking the Lyceum to sell silage.
"There are more than 4 tons of green mass here. All technologies were preserved when preserving the silage. In fact, the silage was ready in 48 days. We opened it on December 1 and started feeding it to the cows. There are no additives here, except for the starter. The silage increases the amount of cow's milk and also pleasant for sheep,” said Erkin Sadyrov, an agricultural specialist at the lyceum.
In the Ton region, 350-400 bales or about 9 tons of hay are obtained from 1 hectare. In 2023, due to drought, the cost of 1 bale of hay was 450 soms. And good varieties of corn in the Ton region produce weight from 1 hectare to 50 tons. So farmers are looking forward to comparing feeding results and learning how to plant corn and make silage.
The project “Vegetable Growing” is financed by the Seed Fund International (SPI - Seed programs International) and is implemented by the public foundation “AVEP”.