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Ainura Alikbayeva, a resident of the village of Eshperov. Ainura's husband has died and she is raising 10 children alone. This photo was taken with the children who stayed at home, the older ones work at different jobs to earn money in the summer, and the rest at the grandmother's on vacation. She herself works in a small tailoring workshop in the village.

Ainura was included in the group of women farmers in the village of Eshperov, created as part of a vegetable growing project. During the day she works in a sewing workshop, and after work she works with the children in the garden, growing seeds of vegetables received as part of the project. To date, they have begun harvesting vegetables, the radish is the first to ripen, and the children ate about 0.5 kg per day for 20 days. Dill, broccoli, cauliflower, Beijing cabbage and cucumbers have begun to ripen. By adding them to your daily diet, preparing salads feed children. She sold the surplus at the market for 4600 soms and bought other products for her children. To date, if vegetables that are eaten at home with children are included, Ainura has earned 9,050 soms growing vegetables.

Also in the garden grow white cabbage, carrots, beets, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplants. “the harvest and these vegetables will be used for daily food, the surplus will be sold or harvested for the winter,” says Ainura. From these vegetables it is planned to receive the same income as indicated above. Then, Ainura will receive about 18,000.00 soms of income from growing vegetables, which is a big support for Ainura's family budget, and it can be said that the funds were saved for the purchase of school supplies for children.







Bishkek Program office

Timiryazeva street 134,
Bishkek, 720014
tel.: +996 (312) 903 707

Balykchy Program office

Abdrahmanova str. 374A,
Balykchy, 722300
tel.: +996 (3944) 30603
fax: +996 (3944) 30617

Osh Program office

Oskonbaeva str. 4,
Osh, 714004
tel.: +996 (773) 640 325

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