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Provided tracer study to graduates

Based on many years of experience, PF AVEP in the framework of the project “Green skills training in rural areas” conducted a tracer study of graduates, after 3-6 months of completion of the course.
The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the conducted courses and the impact of the project, that is, the state of the graduates after the completion of the courses.
Following the results of tracer study revealed: To date, 155 graduates, that is, 74% are working in the specialties that were received under the project. Of these, 93 graduates created 17 brigades, 8 brigades for thermal insulation and 9 brigades for the construction of energy efficient furnaces. Also 44 graduates work independently, and the remaining 18 graduates use their skills, gaining experience, at home and with relatives.
During the project's work, the graduates insulated 9 social facilities and fulfilled 43 orders for warming houses and built 75 energy-efficient stoves. In parallel, the graduates performed 26 other orders. For example, they installed canopies, windows, repaired roofs and performed finishing works.

Insulated 52 houses saved an average of 104 tons of coal, respectively; the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere has been reduced. By the same token, PF AVEP, having implemented the project “Green skills training in rural areas” with the support of the Embassy of Finland in Astana, has made its contribution to the implementation of the green economy in the Issyk-Kul region.

Bishkek Program office

Timiryazeva street 134,
Bishkek, 720014
tel.: +996 (312) 903 707

Balykchy Program office

Abdrahmanova str. 374A,
Balykchy, 722300
tel.: +996 (3944) 30603
fax: +996 (3944) 30617

Osh Program office

Oskonbaeva str. 4,
Osh, 714004
tel.: +996 (773) 640 325

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