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  • www.AVEP.info

Our competencies

The team of AVEP has more than 10 years of experience in development work. We also work with a pool of professional trainers and experts with national and international background. In our work we use variety of tools and methods which are appropriate for different situations.

Our toolbox:

Institutional Development and Organizational Strengthening:
The AVEP foundation is well specialized in the analysis of organizational and institutional processes and strong in delivering qualified backstopping and coaching. The support is delivered through set of activities aimed to reach maximum effect from the interaction. We emphasize very much the use of participatory techniques. With our strong track record in facilitation, we are also able to bring this experience to bear on the way in which we interact with stakeholders on all of our assignments. Our work has included the design and management of large-scale helpdesk and training programmes for donor agencies, the development of methodological guidelines to accompany new agency policies and approaches, and support for the management of change within a range of organizations.

Project Cycle Management:
PCM ensures that all aspects of projects are considered. Each part of the project cycle is considered in the management process and changes in all parts are noticed and taken into account for future project planning and design. Thus the success of a development project lies much in a sound designing, efficient implementation and the active participation of project stakeholders. The competence of the AVEP in PCM includes different aspects of the project development, design, management and evaluation through using specific and / or integrated tools in its work.

Development of Strategies and Concepts:
We support our partners in delivering their good and strong ideas in a professional format, and present for the public. Our common work will guide a planning process and contribute to writing style to be more successfully communicated with partners. We contribute to a complete, multi-phase development process based on an initial requirements and participatory approaches.

Participatory Curriculum Development:
The AVEP’s curriculum development methodology includes a combination of open and closed goals, set out and achieved through participatory processes. PCD helps to ensure that objectives are more likely to be achieved and that use of the curriculum on an ongoing basis is more likely to be sustainable. The methodology promotes and encourages local stakeholders to be involved more and take responsibility for their own learning.

Monitoring and Evaluation tools:
Stakeholders (state and civil society actors) are increasingly aware of the value of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of development activities. M&E provides a better means of learning from past experience, improving service delivery, planning and allocating resources, and demonstrating results as part of accountability to key stakeholders. The AVEP has a range of M&E tools, methods and approaches, including several data collection methods, analytical frameworks, and types of evaluation and review:

  • - Performance indicators;
  • - The logical framework (logframe) approach;
  • - Theory-based evaluation;
  • - Formal surveys;
  • - Rapid appraisal methods;
  • - Participatory methods;
  • - Impact evaluation;
  • - Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis;

Facilitation and Moderation:
The AVEP’s approach to the design and delivery of training and facilitated events is to involve participants as fully as possible in planning and implementation, through needs assessment, the use of participatory techniques, and participant evaluation of training and facilitation outcomes. We encourage and support participants in developing their self-direction and self-esteem; challenging them to acquire new perspectives. The AVEP designs and conducts training and facilitation programs in the projects-related areas as well as in external affairs and communication skills. The AVEP tailors the methodology and contents of all its programs to its beneficiaries, objectives, and the issues they face as well as to the participants' needs and experience.

Backstopping and Coaching:
We appreciate the benefits of our long-term coaching and backstopping projects where we can guide, advise, encourage, inspire and support our partners. It means that these in-depth projects begin by getting to know all the people involved in the project implementation, including managers, employees, and board members if at all possible which makes us to value very much our relationship with our partners.

Bishkek Program office

Timiryazeva street 134,
Bishkek, 720014
tel.: +996 (312) 903 707

Balykchy Program office

Abdrahmanova str. 374A,
Balykchy, 722300
tel.: +996 (3944) 30603
fax: +996 (3944) 30617

Osh Program office

Oskonbaeva str. 4,
Osh, 714004
tel.: +996 (773) 640 325

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