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In Osh was held a conference dedicated to the "M-STAR" project.

Public Fund AVEP with the participation of the State Commission for Religious Affairs, the Spiritual Office of Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, regional kaziyats and beneficiaries of the project summed up the activities of the M-STAR project for 2017. Representatives of the US Embassy in Kyrgyzstan also participated in this conference. At the beginning of the conference, the employees of AVEP made a presentation on the project's achievements in the short term. At the end of 2017, 140 pupils were trained in three madrassahs and 67% of graduates work in the specialties that they received under the M-STAR project. The representative of the State Commission for Religious Affairs expressed his gratitude to the project's donors and performers, and also wished that the project would later be able to cover all regions of Kyrgyzstan. Because the project has specific goals to improve the quality of life not only to students of madrassas, but also to families of students.

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Organized the final conference of the "Training in green building skills" project

On December 21, in the city of Karakol, in connection with the completion of the "Education in green skills in the field of construction" project organized a final conference. In this activity participated representatives of the regional administration, the city administration of Karakol, the employment center of Ak-Suu, Jety-Oguz and Issyk-Kul districts, the Village administrations and the beneficiaries, totaling about 40 people. At the conference, PF AVEP and Training centers provided a report on the project activities. Participants shared their views, expressed their gratitude. From the side of the city administration of Karakol and the district administration of the Ak-Suu district were given letters of appreciation to PF AVEP and training providers.

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Under the framework of the G-STAR project, was held workshop for trainers on two topics on December 11 in Bishkek

Under the framework of the G-STAR project, was held workshop for trainers on two topics on December 11 in Bishkek: "Modules developed under the framework of the project" and "Baseline assessment". At the workshop were reviewed the contents and scaling up of modules and were discussed the difficulties associated with them during training. Another issue was discussing of questions and content of baseline assessments.

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Organized Volleyball Friendship Tournament among religious schools

On November 18 at the sports hall No. 18 of the lyceum of Bishkek was held a volleyball competition between students of the Islamic University and students of the madrassah "Abdiraim Kaara". The purpose of organizing this activity is to strengthen friendship between students and establish friendly ties between educational organizations. The competition was attended by the employees of the Muftiyat in the person of the deputy mufti of Kyrgyzstan Shergaziev Jorobay Ajy, as well as the kazy of the Osh region Samidin Kary Atabaev and the employees of the kazyyat. The game took place from the 5th round, and with a score of 3-2 the team of the students of the madrasah "Abdiraim Kaara" won. Winners were awarded a cup, certificates and valuable prizes. Participants of the second team also left not empty-handed, they also had gifts and certificates.

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The prospect of cooperation

On November 10, 2017 in Tokmok, was held a meeting with the leaders of the construction teams cooperating with the project "Green Skills Training in Rural Areas G-STAR", implemented by PF "AVEP" and financed with the support of Helvetas-Kyrgyzstan. In the meeting participated representatives from PF "AVEP", PA “AMETiS”, PF “CEEBA”, as well as leaders of construction teams.

The meeting mainly discussed issues related to the actual situation of the construction teams to date and the prospects for further cooperation with the project. The construction team leaders noted that there are some difficulties in promoting green technologies in the field. In particular, for thermal insulation using reed plates, there is a problem of shortage of reeds in some villages; in some remote villages, there are cases of overestimation of building materials, etc. There are also some difficulties for stove builders, namely the lack of bricks on the ground, the high cost of fireclay bricks (80 - 120 som per piece), etc. Despite such difficulties, among the masters there are those who do not have time to fulfill orders because of their large number.

The team leaders also noted the positive impact of the project on the activities of the teams and expressed a desire for further cooperation with the G-STAR Project.

As a result of the meeting, a preliminary version of the concept of further cooperation between construction teams and the G-STAR Project for 2018 was developed.

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